Saturday 5 January 2019

Once a year poster?

Well it seems I have become a once a year blogger.  I was in the habit of posting once a week, but then my job changed significantly and I just never have either time or inclination to post.

My brain still comes up with up blogs when I am walking the dogs or trying to sleep, they just never make it onto my laptop, so I am just going to post random thoughts and gripes to try and back back in the swing.

  1. If you play golf and end up in a bunker, rake when you have finished.  If you had to have 7 tries and the bunker looks like a bomb site, rake the bunker.  However if you are in a bunker with really steeps side........rake the fucking bunker!  It's called consideration and it's golf etiquette. 
  2. If you suffer from anxiety, try to remember other people also suffer from anxiety and just may not be able to cope with communicating with you or anyone else.  Try not to take it personally if people aren't always there for you.  They may be suffering as much or more than you, they just don't want or need to announce it.  People handles their mental health issue differently.  One size does not fit all and it really can be a case of "it's not you it's me".
  3. Sometimes when someone does something that you find offensive, you may want to take a step back before confronting them.  It may have been unintended and your reaction could just be to let it slide.  Of course if they are repeat offenders or there was clearly no mistaking their intent, feel free to go for the throat.
  4. Don't use the term "stop being a victim".  Victim seems to have drifted into insult territory.  It is incredibly insensitive to insinuate that being a victim is a choice you make.  If you think someone needs to move forward from a traumatic event, it's more about not letting it define them then ceasing to be a victim.  
  5. Pick up your dogs shit on walks.  No further detail required on this
  6. Never plant passion fruit vines if you are a renter.  If you are not a banana farmer, don't plant banana trees. Weird personal opinions on annoying plants.
  7. If you can't sleep, just shut you eyes and don't dwell on it.  At least if your eyes are shut and you a lying down you are getting some rest.  
  8. At a very minimum, smile at people you pass while walking around your neighbourhood.  With practice you may even work up to saying "Hi" but this is for advanced walkers only.  😄
  9. Be nice to service workers.  If you are a service worker, be polite to customers.  Two way street.
  10. Rake bunkers!