Saturday 22 March 2014


I've been on holidays for the past two weeks, well holiday may be the wrong term as I have been working my bum off doing some landscaping to our yard.  Looks great but I have had very little down time.

Yesterday (Friday) I got to do some me stuff.  Nothing over the top, just not shovelling for a change.

Among other things I did just for ME, I got new glasses.  I knew I needed glasses because my arms are no longer long enough, if you need glasses you know what I mean.  I was happy with the frames for my prescription sunglasses, but my general glasses frames are just kind of blah, so I took the opportunity to get new ones.  I have been using glasses for about 10 years and have finally learned my lesson.  Those really cool glasses that are in fashion at whatever time I have got new frames, do not suit me.......ever!

You go in and look at all the frames see the photographs of models wearing them and think "they look fantastic, if I buy them I'll look gorgeous".  I never do.  I have had friends that buy the latest frames and they look elegant, modern, beautiful, all good things.  I have followed their lead and bought something in the same vein and I look like the before photo in a makeover show.  I've tried the minimalist look, I looked minimal.  I've tried bold colours, I looked like a nerd wearing oversized specs. The little rectangular ones that have been so trendy for a while (showing my age there) I looked like I was squinty!

I finally realised that everyone else who looks gorgeous in those glasses look that way because they ARE gorgeous and I'm ........... well, not.   This time I turned up twenty minutes early for my eye test and tried on frame after frame.  Every time I found something that looked good I carried around with me until I found something that looked better.  Finally I had the winner.  I had long thought that as I have silver hair (actually it's mostly grey, but silver sounds better) I should go for glasses that were colourful or stood out in some way.  I was wrong it seems.  My new frames are silver and whites with little diamantes on the arms.  They are very understated, but they pick up the white bits in my hair so it looks silver rather than grey. I think they look fantastic.

I have to wait two weeks until I pick them up, but I am confident that this time I won't be regretting my choice within a week.  My dream is that other people will see them and think "she looks fabulous" and they will go out buy them and will not look anywhere near as fab as I do.

Is that petty?  :-)