Friday 28 February 2014

Dog naggers

We got a second dog recently.  For the last 18 years we have been almost constantly a two dog household. The short times during which we where down to one dog was after the death of a dog, during the mourning period when we could face getting a replacement.

 About the same time we got our dog, my niece was also in the process of finding her first dog with her husband.  During our search for both our young dogs and during my nieces search I came across that strange creature.


We were unsure exactly what dog we wanted, except that there would be at least some Poodle in whatever we got.  Not because of any desire for a "designer dog", just because I have had poodles in the past and I have always found them to be intelligent, have great enthusiasm for life, lovely non shedding coats, and no doggy smell.  We now have a Groodle and a Labradoodle.  Fantastic dogs that we dote on.

My niece wanted a boxer.  No debate or indecision, Boxer it was, full stop.  Of course in this world we go on-line to get all the information we can and to find the dog of our dreams.  We also tend to FB about our plans and our progress.  That's when they strike.

I read a post on a page from a woman asking if anyone could tell her about Labradoodles, are they good dogs, what sizes can you get?  At least that's what I thought she was asking.  Apparently it was a cunning code that I could not read asking how best to cook babies.  She copped so much abuse!  Why did she want to get some stupid designer dog?  Why didn't she give a home to a dog from a shelter.  On and on they went until thankfully someone actually gave her the information she wanted and she was able to leave the conversation.

It was the same for my niece.  Why a Boxer?  Why not a shelter?  Aren't there enough unwanted dog in the world?  Had she thought about it enough?

God, what is it with these people, can they not except that we may just not share their beliefs?

We did look at getting a dog from a shelter, none of the dogs we saw were the type of dogs we wanted.  We wanted a young dog having lost two dogs in the past two years to old age, we wanted to try to have many years without being heartbroken again.  We weren't looking for a fashion accessory, we just wanted something in particular that suits our lifestyle.

If you want to prevent unwanted dog, talk to the halfwits that don't have their dog neutered or spayed and allow them to produce the sort of dogs that end up in shelters.

Petition for pet shops to be stopped from selling puppies to random people on a whim, or selling puppies at all.  When no longer a puppy and getting to handle, off to the shelter and get another one.

Fight to ban puppy farms that grind out dogs in appalling conditions to supply to pet shops.

There are people who get dogs from shelters who are not responsible owners either. It's not the holy grail of dog ownership.  I do have friends who go for shelter dogs every time and they are great owners and they love my dogs and don't judge me for going to a breeder to get the dog of my choice.

What counts is that when you get a dog you get it because you have thought about it, considered your lifestyle, researched the best choices and you are in it for the dogs lifetime.  As someone who has had three dog from puppy-hood to old age and loss and have lost others to accidents and relationships ending, I think I have the ability to make the right choice all by myself.  I have never deserted a dog.

I've earned my stripes.