Friday 27 December 2013

That time of year.

I'm starting my New Year’s resolution early this year.

The overall theme this year is stop worrying about stuff that doesn't matter. 

Why do so many of us feel compelled to comment on media reports on celebrity behaviour & misbehaviour?

We tsk, tsk over Miley Cyrus showing of her bits, hammer licking, foam finger abuse and overall tacky behaviour.  Why bother?  We've seen it all before haven’t we?   What with Cher, Madonna, Brittany Spears, Christine Aguilera and countless other and often forgotten rising pop starlets.  The envelope has gone beyond pushed.  It’s torn to shreds.   It’s all about getting noticed and making headlines.  That is what media teaches budding artists and we go along happily encouraging the “whatever it takes” publicity machine by falling into the trap of noticing.

The females aren't the only ones.  Justin Bieber seems to thrive on publicity that makes him out to be a surly, spoilt little shit.  Well he is a nineteen year old male with more money than he can use and surrounded by mates egging him on.  Of course he is a little shit.  A very large proportion of males his age are little shits.  But why would we even bother to take notice of him if it wasn't endless reporting of his every move?

It’s not that I spend time obsessing over this crap, it’s just that I find myself behaving like the type of adults I despised when I was young, the ones shaking their heads at the “youth of today”.  Blahhh!  So I've decided to let it all wash over me.  Why should I find it worth my time to give any of this nonsense half a second of my time?

The next stage of my New Year’s resolution is to stop thinking I can persuade narrow minded people that…… well that they are narrow minded. 

Most of the people I know understand that their lifestyle and life choices are not the only valid ones.  They don’t find differences threatening, they see it as part of a world where we all have a right to be who or what we are, when being ourselves does no harm to anyone else.   Unfortunately I also have people in my life who can’t see much further than the tips of their eyelashes.   I have in the past tried to convince them that perhaps they may be unfairly judgemental of others and maybe they need to try walking a mile in their shoes.  Well, that’s just a waste of my time really.  What’s the saying?  “A person convinced against their will is still unconvinced”- or something like that.  Maybe in movies there can be a miraculous change of heart, when the bigot sees there error of their ways, in real life …………..Hah!

I've often  felt hurt by the comments of the narrow minded, given that I lead an unconventional lifestyle myself.  I don’t want the marriage and children thing and don’t want to make lots of money or try to advance my career, it’s just not me and I am happy with my life.  I don’t think that makes me better or worse than anyone.  Just different and the choice is mine.  Trying to explain that to the tiny minded just doesn't work, they see my justification of my life as an affront to theirs and they turn nasty.  So no more time will be spent on that losing battle.

So bottom line is, I will spend time only on what matters or what I can change.  No more tsk, tsk and no more “but can’t you see…………”  my energies are best directed elsewhere.