Friday 20 September 2013

Just a little crazy

There is a group of dog walkers around my area that I have got to know through the extreme friendliness of my young dog.  One of them is a very sweet woman who, in the time I have known her, has never said anything even remotely nasty about anyone.

I had not seen her for about a week and heard from others in the area that she had family visiting and was occupied with family stuff.  I ran into her last weekend with the couple staying with her.  She introduced them to me, quick hellos all around and we parted company.

I met up again with her during the week and after walking and talking for a while I started to think maybe she was possessed.  Gone was the sweet polite woman, replaced by a raving slightly crazed one.  She had apparently had a dreadful week putting up with the female half of the couple and was venting her frustration in a big way.

She was listing all the horrendous things she had to put up with.  Amongst the many sins were:-

  • The woman ate two biscuits with her tea one night
  • When they went for a walk the woman waved to some children in the window of a house, thereby invading their privacy
  • The woman was rude, lazy, untidy and for all I could tell may have been a mass murderer
By the time we parted company, which was sooner than usual, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the onslaught of venom I had just gone through.  What on earth was wrong with the woman.  Talk about an overreaction........ hold on, something there was familiar.  Ahhh, I remember!  

The irrational reaction to someone that for some reason you just loathe. Been there!

I seem to recall a woman I worked with who brought out these very symptoms in me.  Of course I was nowhere near as irrational.  I had genuine reasons to lose the plot about her.  After all she:-

  • Had a really annoying way of saying hello on the phone.  Three bloody syllables.  Hel lo oh.  God I hated it when she answered the phone
  • Would wear a scarf even when I wasn't feeling cold.  Obviously attention seeking.  "Ohhh, look at me I'm from Victoria where we wear scarves". Bloody attention seeking moron
  • Talked incessantly about her  boyfriend who was obviously an idiot.  He was going out with her, so must have been short on brain cells
  • Made my work mates think I was crazy just because I raved and ranted about her every gesture, every word out of her stupid mouth......... Obviously she hid her true nature from them.  I was the only one who could see her true colours!
Hmmm, well maybe there was slight over reaction, sometimes.  

So I will forgive my friend for her unusual behaviour.  I just hope she moves on or back to her old self soon.  At least I managed to get control of myself after the stupid woman was retrenched.  Only took me a year.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Blogger is my new home after the demise of my old blog site.  For my first post I am recycling a poem I wrote for my old site.

After hearing of several suicides by people who were to all appearances happy, I wrote this poem of how they would think afterwards and the apologies they would need to make. 

I really am so sorry
I think I made a mistake
I made a rash decision
and left misery in my wake

I really am so sorry
I didn't think it through
I only wanted to stop the pain
and didn't think of you

I really am so sorry
I think that I should say
none of this is your fault
I just couldn't see another way

I really am so sorry
I was meant to the the one who's strong
now I've left you to face it all
that just shows that I was wrong

I really am so sorry
Why did I not wait
until I'd talked to someone
and now it is too late

by: The lame poet